Securing Your Compose Screens: A Guide to Preventing Screenshots
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Securing Your Compose Screens: A Guide to Preventing Screenshots

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As mobile app developers, we take pride in creating visually stunning and user-friendly interfaces using Jetpack Compose. However, have you ever stopped to think about the security implications of allowing users to take screenshots of sensitive information within your app? It’s a crucial consideration, especially when dealing with confidential data. In this article, we’ll explore the answer to the question: “Is there a way to apply LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE to Compose Screen Level to prevent screenshots?”

The Problem: Sensitive Information at Risk

Imagine an e-banking app that displays sensitive financial information, or a healthcare app that shows confidential medical records. If a user takes a screenshot of this sensitive data, it can be leaked, shared, or even used for malicious purposes. This is a serious security concern that can have far-reaching consequences.

The Solution: FLAG_SECURE to the Rescue

LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE is a flag that can be set on an Android View to prevent it from being captured in a screenshot. When this flag is enabled, the Android system will block any attempts to capture the screen, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected. But how do we apply this flag to a Compose screen?

Compose Screen Level Security: A Step-by-Step Guide

To apply LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE to a Compose screen, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Compose project or open an existing one.

  2. Identify the screen that requires screenshot protection. This could be a login screen, a dashboard, or any other screen that displays sensitive information.

  3. Wrap the Composable function that represents the screen with a Box composable, as shown below:

     composing {
         modifier = Modifier
       ) {
         // Your Composable function here
  4. Define the secureScreen() modifier function:

    private fun Modifier.secureScreen(): Modifier = composed {
       val activity = LocalActivity.current
       val window = activity.window
       return this

How it Works: Behind the Scenes

When you apply the secureScreen() modifier to a Compose screen, it sets the FLAG_SECURE flag on the underlying Android View. This flag informs the Android system to prevent screen capturing for that specific View.

FLAG_SECURE Description
WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE Prevents the window from being captured by the screen shot or another window.

Benefits of Using FLAG_SECURE

By applying FLAG_SECURE to your Compose screen, you can:

  • Protect sensitive information from being captured and shared.

  • Comply with security regulations and standards, such as HIPAA or PCI-DSS.

  • Enhance the overall security posture of your app.

Common Pitfalls and Alternatives

While FLAG_SECURE is an effective way to prevent screenshots, there are some scenarios where it might not be sufficient:

Pitfall 1: FLAG_SECURE only works on Android 4.0 and above

If your app targets Android versions below 4.0, FLAG_SECURE will not work. In this case, you can consider using alternative approaches, such as:

  • Implementing a custom screenshot detection mechanism.

  • Using a third-party library that provides screenshot protection.

Pitfall 2: FLAG_SECURE does not prevent screen recording

.FLAG_SECURE only prevents screenshots, not screen recordings. If you need to prevent screen recordings as well, you may need to implement additional measures, such as:

  • Using a secure video player that disables screen recording.

  • Implementing a custom screen recording detection mechanism.


In conclusion, applying LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE to a Compose screen is a simple yet effective way to prevent screenshots and protect sensitive information. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that your app provides an additional layer of security for your users. Remember to consider the limitations and potential pitfalls of using FLAG_SECURE, and explore alternative approaches when necessary.

By taking these steps, you can safeguard your users’ sensitive information and maintain the trust they have in your app.

Frequently Asked Question

Got questions about securing your Compose screens from sneaky screenshots? We’ve got answers!

Can I apply LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE to Compose Screen Level?

Sadly, no. FLAG_SECURE is a Window-level flag, not a View-level flag, so you can’t apply it directly to a Compose screen. But don’t worry, we’ve got some workarounds for you!

What’s the purpose of FLAG_SECURE, anyway?

FLAG_SECURE is used to prevent screenshots and screen recording of sensitive content, like password fields or financial information. It’s a security feature to protect your app’s confidential data.

How can I prevent screenshots of my Compose screen, then?

One way is to set FLAG_SECURE on the Window level, like this: `Window.setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE)`. Alternatively, you can use a third-party library that provides screenshot protection features.

Will setting FLAG_SECURE affect my app’s performance?

FLAG_SECURE might cause a slight performance hit due to the additional security measures. However, it’s usually negligible, and the security benefits outweigh the minor performance cost.

Are there any platform limitations for screenshot protection?

Yes, some platforms, like Android 10 and above, have relaxed screenshot restrictions. Additionally, some devices or custom launchers might not respect the FLAG_SECURE flag. Always test your implementation thoroughly to ensure it works as expected.