Mastering Cypress: Assigning Input Value to Variable in Cypress
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Mastering Cypress: Assigning Input Value to Variable in Cypress

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As a web developer, you’re likely no stranger to the concept of automation testing using Cypress. But did you know that assigning input values to variables in Cypress can be a game-changer for your testing workflow? In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Cypress and explore the different ways to assign input values to variables, making your testing experience more efficient and effective.

Why Assign Input Values to Variables in Cypress?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of assigning input values to variables, let’s talk about why it’s essential in the first place. Assigning input values to variables in Cypress allows you to:

  • Reduce code duplication: By storing input values in variables, you can reuse them throughout your test code, reducing the amount of code you need to write and maintain.
  • Improve code readability: Variables make your code more readable and easier to understand, as they provide a clear and concise way to represent input values.
  • Enhance flexibility: Variables enable you to easily switch between different input values or scenarios, making your tests more flexible and adaptable.

Method 1: Using the `cy.get()` Command

One of the most common ways to assign input values to variables in Cypress is by using the `cy.get()` command. This method involves retrieving an element using a CSS selector and then extracting its value using the `val()` method.

  .then(username => {
    const usernameValue = username;
    // Use the usernameValue variable in your test code

In the example above, we’re using `cy.get()` to retrieve the `#username-input` element and then invoking the `val()` method to extract its value. The `then()` block allows us to access the extracted value and store it in the `usernameValue` variable.

Advantages and Limitations

The `cy.get()` method is a powerful tool for assigning input values to variables, but it’s not without its limitations. Here are some advantages and limitations to consider:

Easy to use and implement
Works well with most input types (text, email, password, etc.)
May not work well with dynamic or generated input values
Can be slow and resource-intensive for large datasets

Method 2: Using the `cy.fixture()` Command

Another way to assign input values to variables in Cypress is by using the `cy.fixture()` command. This method involves loading a fixture file containing the input values and then accessing them using the ` fixture()` method.

cy.fixture('input-values.json').then(inputValues => {
  const usernameValue = inputValues.username;
  // Use the usernameValue variable in your test code

In the example above, we’re using `cy.fixture()` to load a JSON file containing input values. The `then()` block allows us to access the loaded data and extract the `username` value, which we can then store in the `usernameValue` variable.

Advantages and Limitations

The `cy.fixture()` method offers some advantages over the `cy.get()` method, but it also has its own set of limitations. Here are some advantages and limitations to consider:

Faster and more efficient than the `cy.get()` method
Works well with large datasets and dynamic input values
Requires a fixture file to be created and maintained
Can be more complex to implement and manage

Method 3: Using a Custom Function

If you need more control over how input values are assigned to variables, you can create a custom function to handle the task. This method involves defining a function that takes an input value as an argument and returns the assigned variable.

function getInputElementValue(selector) {
  return cy.get(selector)
    .then(value => {
      return value;

const usernameValue = getInputElementValue('#username-input');
// Use the usernameValue variable in your test code

In the example above, we’re defining a `getInputElementValue()` function that takes a CSS selector as an argument. The function uses `cy.get()` to retrieve the element, invokes the `val()` method to extract its value, and then returns the extracted value.

Advantages and Limitations

The custom function method offers a high degree of flexibility and control, but it also requires more effort and maintenance. Here are some advantages and limitations to consider:

Highly customizable and flexible
Can be reused throughout your test code
Requires more effort and maintenance than other methods
Can be complex to implement and debug

Best Practices for Assigning Input Values to Variables in Cypress

To get the most out of assigning input values to variables in Cypress, follow these best practices:

  1. Use clear and concise variable names that indicate the type of input value being assigned.
  2. Avoid hardcoding input values directly in your test code. Instead, use variables to make your tests more flexible and adaptable.
  3. Consider using a combination of methods (e.g., `cy.get()` and `cy.fixture()`) to handle different input value scenarios.
  4. Keep your test code organized and maintainable by separating input value assignments into distinct functions or modules.


Assigning input values to variables in Cypress is a powerful technique that can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your automation testing workflow. By using the methods and best practices outlined in this article, you can take your testing game to the next level and ensure that your tests are robust, reliable, and easy to maintain.

Remember, the key to mastering Cypress is to experiment, practice, and stay flexible. So go ahead, try out these methods, and see how they can help you achieve testing excellence!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Assigning input value to variable in Cypress” in HTML format with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the scoop on assigning input values to variables in Cypress – because who doesn’t love a clever automation trick?

How do I assign an input value to a variable in Cypress?

You can use the `.invoke()` command to get the input value and store it in a variable. For example: `cy.get(‘input’).invoke(‘val’).then(val => { const inputValue = val; });`

What’s the difference between `cy.get()` and `cy.invoke()` when assigning input values to variables?

`cy.get()` returns the element, whereas `cy.invoke()` returns the result of the function invocation on that element. In this case, `invoke(‘val’)` returns the input value, which can then be stored in a variable.

Can I use `cy.get()` with `should()` to assign an input value to a variable?

Not exactly! `cy.get()` with `should()` is used for assertions, not for storing values in variables. If you try to do so, you’ll get an error. Stick with `cy.invoke()` for this one!

How do I handle situations where the input value is not immediately available?

Use `cy.wait()` to wait for the input value to be available before attempting to assign it to a variable. You can also use `cy.get()` with an `option` object to specify a timeout. For example: `cy.get(‘input’, { timeout: 10000 }).invoke(‘val’).then(val => { const inputValue = val; });`

Can I use this method to assign input values to variables in a loop?

Absolutely! You can use Cypress’s `each()` command to loop through a collection of inputs and assign their values to variables. For example: `cy.get(‘inputs’).each(($input) => { cy.wrap($input).invoke(‘val’).then(val => { const inputValue = val; }); });`